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Links & Sites

The 'Best of the Best' showcases videos from the iObservation Resource Library that demonstrate best practice.  The videos are organized by element. To view the videos, you must be logged into iObservation.  Once logged in, copy and paste the link in the web browser.

Intervention and Referral Services (I&RS) is a state mandated multidisciplinary team that designs, implements and monitors intervention plans for students experiencing learning, behavioral and/or health difficulties.  Non-instructional support staff, such as school counselors and the Child Study Team could use this website to supplement current supports.  This link to the CHPS E-Board helps clarify the process and strengthen this connection. 

iObservation is an online system that collects, manages, and reports longitudinal data from teacher observations. It identifies growth areas and delivers targeted professional development. 

A common language for developing professionals ensures that every teacher and every leader knows what effective instruction looks and sounds like.  The common language creates consistency for data collection and aligns professional development experiences.  This interactive guide is a pretty awesome vocabulary lesson.

Learning-Focused is a way to interpet Marzano strategies on a day-to-day basis in classrooms.   This approach focuses on the implementation of every domain and element in the Marzano evaluation and categorizes the information in a user-friendly way.

Marzano identified nine high-yield instructional strategies through a meta-analysis of over 100 independent studies.  By practicing these nine high-yield instructional strategies, educators can experience the greatest positive affect on student achievement for all students, in all subject areas, at all grade levels. 

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